Luis Candeias
PT  /  EN

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This Vila had been visually incomplete and unbalanced — on one side two one-storey buildings; on the other one two-storey building, making the lack of a fourth building quite baffling. 

The project conferred better and more suitable habitation conditions to the buildings, guarantying the fulfilment of their intended modern requirements. Moreover, the project also reestablished the buildings’ original look, albeit with adaptations to current needs.

The project focused on the addition of one floor to the existent buildings, and in the construction of a new, three-storey building, with similar characteristics to its surrounding set, which contributed to provide the Vila with a complete look. Moreover, an exterior stairwell was created to access the one-storey buildings, which were expanded whilst maintaining their characteristic look.


Plantas ABC


Plantas DE


Plantas FG



Plantas JK


Planta de Implantação


Alçado Principal ABC



Alçado Principal DE


Alçado Posterior ABC


Alçado Posterior DE



Corte DE








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